Osaka Shinsaibashi "Matsuya kimono shop.
Aiming is difficult to feel fine and room service where you will find low Draper.



Sticking to jaunty Matsuya Draper and puns

We look forward very much.


Along with lifestyle changes these days, from the living space "harmony smell" decreasing there.
On the other hand, people may be longing for "of" has increased.
Anyways, from Japan and overseas people visited Osaka Shinsaibashi.
We believe we offer suit your tastes in our brick and mortar store in the heart of Buenos Aires, from seasonal clothes, footwear, bags, pins, hair ornament, belt closure, wrapping cloth, washcloth, dolls, diverse harmony taste store in.


Click here for inquiries
Closed: Wednesdays
Business hours/ 10:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Contact us by email